Winterville Civitan Club
The Winterville Civitan Club consists of community leaders and residents who are dedicated volunteers concerned about helping others and their community. Civitans assist wherever they are needed collecting food for the needy, assisting at the homeless shelter, volunteering with schools and youth, and assisting projects to help the disabled. The club was officially named a civic organization by the Town of Winterville on May 5th, 2015. Meetings take place on the third Monday of each month, at the Winterville Free Will Baptist Church, at 6 pm.
Winterville Kiwanis Club
The Kiwanis Club of Winterville, established in 1940, is dedicated to the service of youth and senior citizens in the community. They provide funding for community organizations, give annual scholarships, host bingo games for seniors, and sponsor the Veterans Day breakfast among many other things. Their projects and fundraisers include pancake suppers for area elementary, middle, and high schools as well as local civic organizations. They have a meeting and country style meal every first and third Thursday evening at the building on the corner of Railroad Street and Main Street at the back door at 7 pm.
Winterville Ruritan Club
The Winterville Ruritan Club is a local organization that gives back to the Winterville community and surrounding areas. The Ruritan club sponsors many Town events, programs, and projects. They give annual scholarships, fund local sports teams, and help with events during the Watermelon Festival including the Veterans breakfast before the parade. Also, the club gives back to local schools with their annual raffle ticket fundraiser. The Winterville Ruritan Club meets at 2668 Church Street, on the second Tuesday of every month, at 6:30 pm.