Youth Athletics

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Winterville Cal Ripken/Tar Heel Baseball League - Spring/Summer

2025 Regular Season Schedules & Standings

Rookie League - Regular Season

Rookie League - End of Season Tournament

Minor League - Regular Season

Minor League - End of Season Tournament

Major League - Regular Season

Major League - End of Season Tournament

2025 Regular Season Standings - All Cal Ripken Leagues

General Information

Spring Cal Ripken baseball is a competitive league designed for children ages 7-12 interested in playing youth recreational baseball, learning baseball fundamentals, and building upon skills previously learned. The program is divided into three age groups: Rookie League (7/8 yr olds) Minor League (9/10 yr olds), and Major League (11/12 yr olds). Includes an end of season tournament and all-star teams for each age (7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12 year old age groups).

  • Location: AG Cox, Hillcrest Park, and Winterville Recreation Park - All games played at Winterville Recreation Park.
  • Game Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and some Saturdays.
  • Game Times: Week day games will be played in the evening. Saturday games may be played throughout the day.
  • Practice Days: Monday-Sunday
  • Season: Practices begin 4th Monday in February. Regular season begins 4th Saturday in March. Season should be completed, weather permitting, by the first weekend in June.
  • Ages: Rookie League 7/8 yr olds, Minor League 9/10 yr olds, Major League 11/12 yr olds.
  • Equipment Needed: Bat, batting helmet, glove, and cleats (recommended) or tennis shoes.
  • Opening Ceremonies: Scheduled for Saturday March 29th. More information available soon!
  • Evaluations: Scheduled for Saturday February 15th. More information available soon!
Playing Up in Age Group: Playing up is allowed, in certain circumstances. Please view the Winterville Baseball Rulebook for specific rules and regulations. It is recommended that all players play with their appropriate age group. If you have any questions related to this rule, please call 252-756-1487.

Important Links

Winterville Pee Wee Baseball League

2024 Game Schedule (2025 Game Schedule TBA)

  • Description: Program designed to encourage physical activity while teaching socialization, team cohesion, and fundamentals of playing baseball.  Winterville Pee Wee takes a step forward in preparation for our Cal Ripken rookie league program. Winterville Pee Wee utilizes a UPM 45 Blue Flame pitching machine.
  • Location: AG Cox, Hillcrest Park, and Winterville Recreation Park
  • Game Days: Monday-Friday, and some Saturdays. Week day games will be played in the evening while Saturday games will be played in the morning.
  • Practice Days: Monday-Sunday
  • Season: Practices month of April with games May-June
  • Ages: 5 and 6 year olds
  • Participants Will Need: Bat, glove, helmet, pants, and footwear (cleats or sneakers).

League Playing Rules

Winterville T-Ball League

2024 Game Schedule

  • Description: Program designed to teach/introduce youth to the physical activity, socialization, and fundamentals of playing baseball. Winterville T-Ball utilizes a hitting tee (no pitches are thrown to any batters).
  • Location: AG Cox, Hillcrest Park, and Winterville Recreation Park
  • Game Days: Monday-Friday, and some Saturdays. Week day games will be played in the evening while Saturday games will be played in the morning
  • Practice Days: Monday-Sunday
  • Season: Practices month of April with games May-June
  • Ages: 4 and 5 year olds
  • Participants Will Need: Bat, glove, helmet, pants, and footwear (cleats or sneakers).

League Playing Rules.

Prep & Jr Babe Ruth Baseball

2024 Jr Babe Ruth Schedule

Winterville teams participate in the Greenville/Pitt County Babe Ruth League.

Prep league games are all played at Guy Smith Park in Greenville. Practices held at AG Cox Middle School.

Jr Babe Ruth home games are played at AG Cox Middle School. Away games are played at North Pitt High School, Ayden-Grifton High School, Farmville Central High School, and Guy Smith Park.

  • Game Days: Monday-Sunday
  • Practice Days: Monday-Sunday
  • Season: May-June
  • Ages: Prep League 13 year olds, Jr Babe Ruth ages 14-15
    • 13 year olds are allowed to play up in Jr Babe Ruth but are encouraged to play in league for age group, Prep League.

Important Links

Fall Baseball

Fall Baseball is designed for children ages 7-12 interested in playing youth recreational baseball and learning the fundamentals of baseball. The program is divided into three age groups: Rookie League (7/8 yr olds) Minor League (9/10 yr olds), and Major League (11/12 yr olds). The fall baseball league is developmental, scores and standings are not kept. Players play in the age group they will play in spring league (Ex: rising 9 year old will play in minor league even though they are still technically 8). This structure allows players to continue developing if they are in the same division or grow accustomed to a new division if they are aging up.

  • Team Placement: All children will make a team. Players placed on teams by Department staff.
  • Season: September through October.
  • Practices: Days and times chosen by coach, within our parameters.
  • Games Days: Games played on weeknights. Weekends would only be used for make-ups, if absolutely necessary.
  • Game Times: Games begin between 6:00 p.m. and 7:30 p.m.

Flag Football

Flag football is divided into two age groups: 5/6 year olds and 7/8 year olds. Flag football is designed for youths interested in learning the fundamentals of football.

  • Team Placement: All children will make a team. Players placed on teams by department staff.
  • Season: September through mid-November.
  • Practices: Days and times determined by coach. May practice at approved offsite facility.
  • Game Days: Games played primarily on weeknights. Weekends would only be used if necessary.
  • Game Times: Weeknight games begin between 6:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m.
  • Game Locations: Winterville Recreation Park and Ayden District Park
    *Please note team, coach, sibling, or car pooling requests during registration.

Tackle Football

Tackle football is designed for children 8-13 years old (ages groups 8-10 and 11-13) interested in learning the sport and fundamentals of tackle football. For more weight related rules and the complete rulebook please download Winterville Youth Football League Rules.

**Please note: Any child on a middle school roster in the 7th or 8th grade will not be elgible to play in Winterville Tackle Football League.

  • Team Placement: All children will make a team. Players new to the program or age group are required to attend evaluations held at the Winterville Recreation Park - 332 Sylvania Street, Winterville.
    • Teams are determined by draft which is conducted after evaluations (for coaches only).
      • 8-10 Year Old Age Group - TBA
      • 11-13 Year Old Age Group - TBA
  • Season: September through mid-November.
  • Practices: Days and times determined by coach. Expect around five practices per week before games begin. May practice at approved offsite facility.
  • Game Days: Games played primarily on weeknights. Weekends would only be used if necessary.
  • Game Time: Games begin between 6:00 p.m. and 7:45 p.m.
  • Game Location: Winterville Recreation Park and Ayden District Park


This program is designed for children ages 5-12 who are interested in youth recreational cheerleading and learning the fundamentals of cheerleading.

  • Team Placement:  All children will make the squad.  You will be contacted by the coach of the cheerleading squad for further correspondence throughout the season. 
  • Practices:  Practices will begin in September and run throughout the season. Your child’s coach will determine the times and dates of practices and will contact you regarding this information. Practices will be held at the Winterville Operations Center or Winterville Recreation Park.
  • Games:  A game schedule will be provided to each cheerleader no later than mid September. Games will be played at Winterville Recreation Park starting September and will run through mid-November. Winterville Cheerleaders may also participate in the Winterville Christmas Parade
  • Game Days: Participants will cheer at games on weeknights. Games begin between 6:00 p.m. and 7:45 p.m.
  • Game Location: Winterville participants will cheer at Ayden-Winterville Football League games played at Winterville Recreation Park.

Lil' Strikers Soccer

Lil' Strikers Soccer is designed for children ages 4-6 interested in learning the fundamentals of soccer. For many participants this is their experience with soccer, no scores or standings are recorded.

  • Season: Games in October with practices beginning mid-September.
  • Practices: Days and times chosen by coach
  • Games Days: Games played on weeknights. Weekends would only be used for make-ups, if absolutely necessary.
  • Game Times: Games begin between 6:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m.