There are more than 256 miles of public roads within the Town limits of Winterville. They are maintained by two entities - the Town of Winterville and the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT). Most major thoroughfares in Winterville are maintained by the NCDOT, including: Hwy 11 / Winterville Parkway; Cooper St.; Old Tar Road; Church St.; Laurie Ellis Road; Mills Road, Main St.; and Vernon White Road.
Road Complaints
Knowing the entity that maintains a particular street or road helps in knowing where and how to report maintenance issues. If you are unsure, please feel free to call our offices.
Town-owned streets: To report potholes, fallen storm grates, curb damage, dead animals, road debris, etc., on Town-owned streets, please call Public Works at (252) 215-2412
NCDOT Roads: If you have similar complaints involving a state-owned road that is maintained by the NCDOT, please call the NCDOT's Customer Service Line at 1.877.DOT.4YOU (1.877.368.4968) for assistance.
Additional street maintenance provided by the Town includes repair services for:
- sidewalks
- curbs and gutters
- side ditches
- shoulders
- street sweeping.
Pothole Repair
To report a pothole, call our offices at (252) 215-2412. Please provide detailed, accurate information on the location of the pothole to help us respond quickly.
Corrective Maintenance
Over time, all roadways require some type of corrective maintenance. Techniques such as asphalt patching, surface treatments, and asphalt overlays are used to repair pavement and maintain an acceptable pavement condition. Generally, the Town contracts this work out on an annual basis.
Street sweepers are used on paved streets that have curbs and gutters. They remove trash and litter to minimize the impact on the storm water systems. Public works staff generally tries to clean the all the streets twice a month however we are sometimes hampered by weather and other work projects that prevent us from sweeping 5 days a week every week.
Street Signs
Damaged or missing street signs for Town-owned streets are repaired or replaced by the Town's Public Works Department. Please contact Public Works at (252) 215-2412.